Aug 21, 2024
It’s not a symposium. It’s not a health fair.
It’s Seniorpalooza ‘24!
An explosion of education, resources, and connections to support the health, wellness, safety, and belonging of UA’s older residents (and beyond)!
The Upper Arlington Commission on Aging dreams of a future where resources are seamlessly connected, offering peace and support in this season of life, with speakers sharing valuable knowledge and insight. This is a step in that direction.
September is Emergency Preparedness Month. As supplies permit, attendees will receive an Emergency Preparedness Bag and the important File of Life.
Come for all of our speakers (our vote!) or pick and choose:
10-10:45 Exercise is Medicine: How to Increase Longevity
11-11:45 Healthy Minds, Healthy Aging: A Holistic Approach
12:45 – 1:30 Emergency Preparedness Panel
1:45 – 2:30 Scams that scare our Seniors
Before and after (not during!) our speakers, have your blood pressure, balance, and more checked!
Gather information from and connections with more than 10 different organizations including: Alzheimer’s Associations, COAAA, Franklin County Office on Aging, OhioHealth, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, OSHIIP, Syntero, and UA CARES.
Your advanced registration helps us better plan and prepare! Do so online, by email:, or by phone: 614.583.5326
This project was funded by a grant from the funds at the Upper Arlington Community Foundation, made possible by generous donors since 2003.
Jun 19, 2024
Decluttering vs. Downsizing: What’s Right for you and how to do it in UA
Most of us have too much stuff. Sometimes overwhelmingly so.
Join us as tabi Berkey (they/them) of Organization Pending LLC shares tips, tricks and thoughts to consider when evaluating what (including yourself) should stay and what should go.
Please RSVP to or
We are grateful to our partnership with the UA Library and their provision of space and help with publicity!
Mar 13, 2024
Join experts from First Merchants Bank as they engage us in conversation about:
- Learning to identify and avoid common online threats and scams
- Assessing your risk for identity theft/fraud
- Learning how to protect your identity and sensitive documents
- Learning how to manage your digital footprint
- And more!
Please register:
or by phone: (614) 583-5326
or email:
Jan 8, 2024
Join the UACOA and Kimberly Roberts of Evergold at Home as we discuss how to make a grab and go binder and being prepared for the “what ifs” in life.
(614)583-5326 or or
Jan 8, 2024
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Administration for Community Living, sponsors a program called the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP). In Ohio, this program is administered by a non-profit called Pro Seniors, Inc. headquartered in Cincinnati.
The SMP mission is to empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers, to prevent, detect, and report suspected healthcare fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education.
Join us as a member of the SMP shares tips, tricks, and things to be on the watch for!
Please register:
or by phone: (614) 583-5326
or email:
We are grateful for our partnership with the UA Library and their provision of space and help with publicity!