Medicare Check-Up

Upper Arlington Public Library 2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH, United States

Find out how the Oct 15 - Dec 7 Medicare Open Enrollment Period can work for you. Get unbiased tips on how to enroll for 2024 coverage in a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D) and/or a Medicare Health plan. See if you qualify to SAVE an average of $5,000 on your prescription drug costs. OSHIIP is a program of the Ohio Department of Insurance and does not sell, recommend or endorse insurance products. Please register: or by phone: (614) 583-5326 or email:  

One-on-One Medicare Counseling

UA Senior Center 1945 Ridgeview Rd., Building 3, Columbus, OH, United States

REGISTRATION IS NOT YET OPEN! Do you have questions about your individual Medicare coverage? Volunteers from OSHIIP join the UACOA for a day of one-on-one appointments.  REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.